Is nail fungus laser treatment effective?
There are two lasers with different laser energy used to attract toenails infections. Nail fungus affects the toenails and fingernails. The technology used is to eliminate the fungus without harming the nail tissue. Fungal infections cause the toenails to look crumbly, distorted, thicken, and discoloured. The nail may be painful and difficult to trim. In cases where one has an underlying condition such as suppressed immune system and diabetes, toenail fungus may lead to more serious infections. As you consider toe fungus treatment Houston, ensure that your foot doctor evaluates your condition and the severity of the case.
5 things you should know about laser treatment
1. The nail fungus laser treatment is almost 90% effective however, it is the best treatment option available. Although, in severe cases alternatives such as permanent removal or surgery of the nail could be done.
2. Laser treatment is not painful and can be performed in the doctor’s office and it will last about 30 minutes. No anesthesia is needed and patients continue with their daily activities after the treatment without aftercare treatment.
3. In about 90% of the cases in early stages treated using laser toenail treatment requires one session to eliminate but for more severe cases more treatment sessions are needed to eliminate fungus.
4. Although the laser eliminates nail fungus it can come back. After laser treatment, you can continue with a weekly application of antifungal creams to protect you from re-infection.
5. During a laser treatment session, the fungus dies immediately but the results are not immediate. It may take from 6 months to have a normal, healthy-looking nail. Your foot doctor can perform a cosmetic restoration of the toenail to hold until a new healthy nail grows.
Preventing toenail fungus
Ø Fungus thrives in a moist environment, so always ensure that your feet and toes are thoroughly dry especially after showering.
Ø Wear synthetic socks because they wick moisture and if you have sweaty feet change your socks during the day.
Ø Avoid tight footwear such as socks and stockings that trap moisture between the toes.
Ø Avoid picking the skin around the toenails.
Ø Use antifungal powder or spray on your feet and shoes.
Ø Once you visit a pedicure salon ensure that they clean and disinfect their pedicure instruments.
Ø Once you notice a toenail infection do not cover it up with nail polish because it only traps moisture and worsens the infection.
Ø Wear shoes that fit well and are made of breathable material.
Ø Wear shoes in public showers, public pools, and locker rooms.
Nail fungus is difficult to eradicate because the microorganisms hide between the nail plate and nail bed. nail creams and ointments need to be used for many months before results are realized but laser toenail fungus treatment is effective. The popularity of the toe fungus treatment cypress is because it is painless and it does not have any side effects such as in oral medication.