How Is A Sports Injury Treated?

DeNielFoot Ankle Center
3 min readOct 23, 2022


Sports injuries are caused by force applied, overuse, or direct impact. Some common injuries include nose bleeds, bruises, sprains, joint injuries, and strains. Sports injuries are classified as chronic or acute. An acute injury occurs suddenly when one has an awkward landing. Chronic injuries are caused by the overuse of joints or muscles. Visit a Houston Sports Medicine Clinic with Sports Medicine Specialists Houston, TX, for further medical attention and investigation on the cases of the injuries. Sports Injury Treatment ensures that the correct diagnosis is given because what seems like a sprain might be a bone fracture.

Treatment for sports injuries depends on the severity and type of injury. If the pain persists after first aid, visit your podiatrist. The podiatrist might recommend further treatment from a physiotherapist who will rehabilitate the injured site. A physiotherapist draws a program that will promote flexibility and strength. Returning after a sports injury depends on your podiatrist. Premature return before total healing could mean complications, further damage, and delayed recovery.

Here are some immediate treatment options for common injuries such as joint injuries, strains, and sprains and to prevent further treatment. RICE is the method used among others.

1. Rest while the injured foot is supported

2. Apply ice every 20 minutes for at least the first 48 hours.

3. Compress the injury using a firm elastic bandage.

4. Elevate the injured foot above the heart level at all times

5. See a podiatrist as soon as possible


1. Heating the injured area will increase bleeding

2. Taking alcohol because it increases swelling and bleeding.

3. Running because it delays healing because of the increased blood flow.

4. Massages might increase swelling and bleeding delaying healing.

Nose bleeds first aid

1. Sit with the head leaning forward

2. Pitch the nostrils together and use the mouth to breathe.

3. Hold the nose for at least 10 minutes

4. If the bleeding continues past 30 minutes seek medical attention.

How to reduce the risk of sports injuries?

Interestingly, you can prevent sports injuries.

· Always warmup thoroughly to ensure your feet can move through motions and stretches.

· Use appropriate footwear for the activity.

· Insome cases, you need to use safety equipment such as pads and helmets use them.

· Avoid being on the field during the hottest part of the day which is 11am to 3pm.

· Drink lots of fluid before, during, and after the game.

· Training should be with the appropriate speed and impact that the muscles will get during a game.

· Always increase the intensity and duration of training gradually.

· Use good technique when training.

· After the activity ensure you take some gentle stretches.

· Allow adequate time to recover between games and after an injury.

· Visit your podiatrist for regular check-ups.

Recovery from a sports injury

Most sports injuries do not need surgery, but most injuries use corrective treatment. Corrective treatment involves the use of manipulation to fix and realign displaced bones. The recovery from an injury can take a few weeks, months, or even a year. However, you are not supposed to return to the same level of activity after recovery, start moving gently as you improve your range of movement. The pain decreases and the movement becomes easier but do not try to get back too quickly because it will delay recovery. Start with frequent repetitions of simple exercises and continue to increase activity. Involve a physiotherapist and a podiatrist so that they develop a suitable recovery program.

Sports injury issues can be very uncomfortable to live with. If you are experiencing pain in your foot or ankle, contact the podiatrist Houston at DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.



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