Do Your Feet Feel Like They’re Covered In Wax Or Constantly Cold?
One of the most frequent complaints I get from my patients is that their feet are numb. Furthermore, this is not the “typical” numb that sometimes affects many of us. People describe the numbness as feeling like they are wearing many pairs of socks, even when they aren’t. The sensation is similar to having wax covering their feet. Although not painful, this is obviously not okay.
Other times, the discomfort is more icy-hot, bordering on burning. It seems like your feet are constantly chilly because of those icy, prickly sensations. But even wearing two or three pairs of socks will not keep them warm. If you think this sounds bad, you’re right. These are all signs of peripheral neuropathy. And, although it is quite unpleasant, we can assist you in finding pain relief, regardless of what the other podiatrists have told you. Read more